Projects / Titahi Bay South Beach Access Road Wastewater Renewals

Titahi Bay South Beach Access Road Wastewater Renewals

Current status

On behalf of Porirua City Council, we are planning to renew and repair wastewater assets in the South Beach Access Road area to improve network performance and protect the environment and public health.


If you have any questions about this work, please contact:

Wellington Water, 04 912 4400

Investigations were completed during 2023.

The project is now on hold until 2025. 

What are we doing?

On behalf of Porirua City Council, we have been working to rehabilitate the wastewater network across Titahi Bay to minimise public health risks, reduce overflows to the environment and enhance the health of the ocean.

Our focus is to reduce the amount of wastewater that gets into the environment before it is treated. It’s an ongoing mission, but we’re making progress. 

As part of this, we are now getting underway with investigations for the South Beach Access Road Wastewater Renewals project. These investigations will locate services and inform design of the works to rehabilitate 1.9km of wastewater pipes in the area, using methods that minimise disruption to residents and road users as much as possible.


Why are we doing this?

Monitoring and testing of the South Beach stormwater culvert show that it has been discharging unsafe levels of E. Coli in the outlet, even during dry weather, presenting a health risk. 

We have been working to identify and fix sources of the pollution in the public and private wastewater network.

Investigations have found many of the wastewater pipes within the South Beach Road catchment are in poor condition. These require replacement/rehabilitation to reduce the wastewater contamination in the stormwater network. 

The South Beach Access Road Wastewater Renewals project involves investigating and designing solutions to repair 1.9km of wastewater pipes, upgrading the public network in the South Beach Road area, protecting the beach and public health.