Knights Road Pipe Renewals Project
On behalf of Hutt City Council we are replacing and repairing the wastewater and stormwater pipes in the Knights Road area. This is part of our work to improve wastewater and stormwater resilience, and reduce the risk of overflows.
If you have any questions about this work, please contact:
Wellington Water, 04 912 4400
Latest Updates
Phase 3 Update
This five-year programme of work aims to improve the local wastewater network by reducing the risk of exfiltration of wastewater into groundwater, the water supply, and local waterways as well as reducing the risk of structural failure within the stormwater network.
Open trenching works are now underway on Waterloo Road. The renewal works are being undertaken by a mix of open trenching and, where possible, trenchless repair technology to reduce disruption to traffic and the community.
Current Status
Phases 1 and 2 construction phases are now completed. This included around 3,700 metres of wastewater and stormwater pipe renewals using open trenching and lining methods. Additionally, 45 patch repairs and approximately 1,400 metres of root cutting were completed on stormwater and wastewater pipe assets as non-intrusive methods to improve the local network. Phase 2 construction was completed ahead of programme.
Phase 3, the final phase, is currently in detailed design phase. The renewals will be carried out using both trenched and trenchless methodologies in the areas of: Hautana Square, Hautana Street, Knights Road, Laings Road, Kings Crescent, Cornwall Street, Queens Grove, Bloomfield Terrace and Memorial Place. Onsite investigations on Hautana Street and Hautana Square were completed in late 2024, to confirm service locations. Construction works are expected to begin in mid-2025.
What we're doing
This is a five-year programme of work that aims to improve the condition of the stormwater and wastewater network and reduce the risk of wastewater entering groundwater, the water supply, and local waterways.
The work programme is divided into priority area one and priority area two, each will be delivered in four packages.
The work includes:
→ The completion of 2.8kms of CCTV surveys,
→ Approximately 1.5kms of repairs and renewals of wastewater pipes in 2021/22, and 2-3km of wastewater renewals in 2022,
→ Upgrading 3kms of stormwater pipes in 2022, to avoid disruption in the same area twice,
→ Renewing some laterals to property boundaries or to the mains,
→ Looking at the condition of the manholes and stormwater catch pits,
→ Additional flushing and survey work, with additional work identified to be added to the project programme.
- Protect public health and enhance the local waterways
- Replacement of old wastewater and stormwater pipes that are near the end of their service life
- Make the Hutt Valley's wastewater and stormwater network more resilient
All Updates
Phase 3, the final phase, is currently in detailed design phase. The renewals will be carried out using both trenched and trenchless methodologies in the areas of: Hautana Square, Hautana Street, Knights Road, Laings Road, Kings Crescent, Cornwall Street, Queens Grove, Bloomfield Terrace and Memorial Place. Onsite investigations on Hautana Street and Hautana Square were completed in late 2024, to confirm service locations. Construction works are expected to begin in mid-2025.
This five-year programme of work aims to improve the local wastewater network by reducing the risk of exfiltration of wastewater into groundwater, the water supply, and local waterways as well as reducing the risk of structural failure within the stormwater network.
Our crews hard at work to replace and repair the wastewater and stormwater pipes in the Knights Road area.
Phase 1 and 2 which included around 3,700 metres of wastewater and stormwater pipe renewals by open trenching and lining methods are now completed. There have been 45 patch repairs and approximately 1,400 metres of root cutting completed on stormwater and wastewater pipe assets as a non-intrusive method to improve the local network.
Phase 3, the final phase, is currently scoped to renew about 1,300 metres of wastewater pipe assets through trenched and trenchless methodologies.
The contractor Fulton Hogan is making steady progress with the second of four work packages that began last October and expected to be completed this August.
This five-year programme of work aims to improve the local wastewater reducing the risk of exfiltration of wastewater into groundwater, the water supply and local waterways as well as reducing the risk of structural failure within the stormwater network.
To date, approximately 1100 metres pipe mains have been renewed by open trenching and lining methods with another approximate 400 metres to be completed this winter. 95% of the non-intrusive methods such as root cutting and patch repairs works have been completed to the wastewater and stormwater pipes.
This project has benefitted from Early Contractor Involvement and close liaison with the community and Hutt City Council. A traffic management working time extension has meant a reduction in programme duration and this arrangement is testament to the value of stakeholder engagement.
- Stormwater and wastewater renewal works in Riddiford Street, Penrose Street, Willoughby Street and Wilford Street expected to begin in September/October 2023
- Stormwater and wastewater renewal works in Waterloo Road, Witako Street, Anderson Grove and Pinny Ave expected to begin in October/November 2023.