Projects / Service Connection Renewals

Service Connection Renewals

Renewing service connections - that's the pipework, fittings, and tobies that connect council's water pipes to residential and commercial properties - helps reduce water loss.

Here's where you can find about the work we've done to replace old or faulty service connection pipework, and how much water it has saved.
Case Study

We have recently completed a programme of work to target the replacement of service connections on behalf of Porirua, Wellington, Hutt City and Upper Hutt City Councils.

Start Date
End Date

If you have any questions about this work, please contact:

Wellington Water, 04 912 4400

Case Study: Reducing water loss in Wellington, Porirua and the Hutt Valley

Here's what you can access a printable PDF of the case study.


Leaky service connections can cause significant water loss. Taking a proactive approach to renew leaking or old service connections is the most effective way to reduce water loss.

We have recently completed a programme of work to target the replacement of service connections on behalf of Porirua, Wellington, Hutt City and Upper Hutt City Councils.

This case study looks into how this work is done and the next steps needed to continue work to reduce water loss.


Service connections are the pipework, fittings and tobies that connect council’s water pipes to residential and commercial properties. Like other water infrastructure across the region, these are getting old and deteriorating, causing leaks which can result in significant water loss.

This is a challenge for all our council owners.

What we’re doing

We respond to customer reports of leaks, identifying the source of the leak, and assigning appropriate resources to repair leaks in service connections.

If the service connection leak fits a certain criteria, it will be renewed.
Replacing leaking service connections (rather than repairing) reduces rework and can save a significant amount of water.

It is estimated that 10,000 litres of water per day is saved for every service connection renewed.

What we’ve achieved (August 2023 - April 2024)

What’s next

Investing in service connection renewal is one of the most cost effective ways to minimise water loss.

We have recommended prioritising investment into this work so we can continue to renew leaking or oldservice connections, and proactively identify connection leaks. This is the best way to minimise water loss
in the short term.

Over the long-term, it is good asset management practice to proactively plan and invest in service connection renewals (before leaks occur). The most efficient way to do this is to align this work with pipe renewals (i.e. replace service connections at the same time as when pipes are being replaced along a street).

What’s needed

Investment is required to continue to fix leak repairs, through a combination of reactive repairs (i.e. responding to reported leaks) and proactive leak detection.

It is good asset management practice to plan and invest in service connection renewals before leaks occur.