Projects / Howard Road water pipe renewal

Howard Road water pipe renewal

Current status
All Updates

We are renewing the ageing drinking water pipe in Howard Road on behalf of Hutt City Council to improve the resilience and reliability of the network and reduce the risk of land slippage.

Start Date
End Date

If you have any questions about this work, please contact:

Wellington Water, 04 912 4400

Latest Updates

27 June 2024

Despite the rain, our crew have laid 48 metres of pipe this week making a total of around 178 metres laid.

14 June 2024

Our contractors laid approximately 100 metres of pipe this week reaching the driveway of 60 Howard Road.

31 May 2024

The Construction Contracts Ltd (CCL) crew have made great progress this week, laying 33 metres of pipe and backfilling the trench down to number 60 Howard Rd by the end of Wednesday.

The first phase of works [Stage 1] was completed in April 2024.

There are three phases left with stage 2  and 4 works starting in May 2024.

Pedestrian access will remain open throughout. No work will be done on public holidays or weekends, so the road will remain open.

Works programme:

Stage 1

59 Howard Rd to 2 Ngaumatu Road - COMPLETED 

Stage 2

Location: 67 Howard Rd to 90 Howard Rd

Timeframe: 6 May - estimated completion 12 weeks.

Most residents will have normal access, excluding 67 Howard Road and up.

Road closure 8:30am to 4:30pm.

Stage 3

Location: Reserve area adjacent to 90 Howard Rd.

Timeframe: Requires consents from the Regional Council to allow the works to progress. Consent application has been submitted, awaiting outcome. 

Stage 4

Timeframe: Monday 20 May – estimated completion before Christmas, with possible extension into the New Year depending on conditions.

Area of work:  Starting at Howard Road below the upper intersection with Nikau Road down to Howard/Westhill intersection - (Church Lane included).

Works are phased, with sections of the road closed 24/7 but with active traffic management in place during work hours of 8am to 4:30pm daily. Residents will have managed access throughout.

Current work section (May-July) : Middle section of Howard Road between upper and lower Nikau Road intersections. 

* Work effort, delays and forecast completion
Please note that the times provided above are based on actual work effort. However,
weather or other unexpected events may extend these timeframes. For example, five
days’ pipelaying work effort could take two or more weeks to complete in the event
of wet weather as electric fusion welding requires dry conditions.
Realistically, we are expecting up to two weeks of delays (weather, hardness of the
rock, other events outside the team's control)


Why are we doing this work?

The pipe has a history of significant leaks which, combined with heavy rainfall, contributed to a large landslide on 14 March 2023 resulting in loss of power and drinking water to 165 homes in Point Howard.

Its complete renewal was accelerated and will improve the resilience and reliability of the network and reduce the risk of further slippage.

What's involved?

The first stage involved slip remediation works led by Hutt City Council and completed in December 2023.

Construction of the new water pipe along Howard Road started in January 2024 and will be done in four stages as outlined below. 

Howard Road will be closed to vehicles in sections where work is underway between the hours of 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday for Stage 1 and 2 works and 7:30am to 4:30pm for Stage 3 and4.  Pedestrian access will remain throughout.  No work will be done on public holidays.

Works programme:

Stage 1

59 Howard Rd to 2 Ngaumatu Road - COMPLETED

Stage 2

67 Howard Rd to 90 Howard Rd - underway

Most residents will have normal access, excluding 67 Howard Road and up.

Stage 3

Reserve area adjacent to 90 Howard Rd.

Still in planning phase requiring consents from the Regional Council to allow the works to progress

Stage 4

Howard Road below the upper intersection with Nikau Road. 53 Howard Rd to 2A Nikau Rd.

From May 20, 2024 Starting at Howard Road below the upper intersection with Nikau Road down to Howard/Westhill intersection - (Church Lane included).

Estimated completion before Christmas, with possible extension into the New Year depending on conditions.

Works are phased, with sections of the road closed 24/7 but with active traffic management in place during work hours of 8am to 4:30pm daily. Residents will have managed access throughout.

We will work closely with the community to minimise impacts as much as possible.

All Updates

27 June 2024

The  progress continues with trenching and pipelaying. Given the nature of this area (the hairpin bend), levels of parking disruption will increase. However, as always, our crew will be working with affected residents to manage this.

The crew will door knock houses where access will be temporarily impacted and leave a note in the letterbox outlining the disruption.

The focus is on backfilling (after pipe laying and trenching) the same day so we can open up access at night. This may not always be possible, but CCL will try to keep the inconvenience to a minimum.

Stage 2 works

Action Civil are restarting Stage 2 works with trenching and pipelaying.  Next week, they aim to lay another 24 metres of pipe weather permitting.

Usual reminders during the works:

  • Kerbside rubbish and recycling collection will continue throughout the works facilitated by Construction Contracts Ltd (CCL). Please put your rubbish/recycling bins out before 8am and CCL will collect them and take them to a designated point for Hutt City Council’s contractors. They will return them to your gate later in the day. CCL has distributed letters including numbered stickers to put on your bins, so CCL knows where to return them to.
  • Please do not park in Howard Rd during the works as this is the crew’s main thoroughfare and parked vehicles may mean trucks cannot exit/enter the site.
  • Your postie is trying to deliver mail outside of the road closure times but, if this can’t be done, mail will be held at the Eastbourne Four Square.
  • Send a ‘fob request’ form to if you want to use the parking area by the boat ramp in Seaview Marina.


Thank you

As always, a big thanks for your continued patience while we carry out these essential works.


14 June 2024

Next week

The  trenching and pipelaying is on track, with the target to reach 54 Howard Road next week.

The crew will door knock houses where access will be temporarily impacted and leave a note in the letterbox outlining the disruption.

Ideally, the crew will lay the pipe and backfill the same day to enable access at night. This may not always be possible, but we will try to keep the inconvenience to a minimum.

Please note, as advised in our last update, the shuttle service has been stopped as it is no longer required.

Thank you

As always, a big thanks for your continued patience while we carry out these essential works.

31 May 2024

Stage 4 works

The crew are now prepped for asphalting the backfilled top section which they completed by the end of the week.

With this section completed, the fenced worksite area will be shifted down past number 66 Howard Rd. One lane will open at the upper junction with Nikau Road to provide managed access for residents in the upper area only. 

Other residents have managed access to Howard Road from the lower junction with Nikau Road.

The 24/7 road closure remains in place with active traffic management during work hours 8am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday

There is no access to or from Howard Road at the top junction with Nikau Road until the watermain replacement in this section is completed and the trench backfilled.  This closure affects pedestrian, cyclist and vehicular access.

The crew will continue trenching and pipelaying.  Where the works pass access points/driveways/garages, CCL crew will door knock the affected house and leave a note in the letterbox outlining the disruption. The crew will endeavour to trench, lay the pipe and backfill the same day so as to open up access at night. This may not always be possible, but CCL will try to keep the inconvenience to a minimum.

Meanwhile, Stage 2 works will commence again next Thursday (June 6).  There will be no works on Monday, June 3 due to the public holiday.

Thank you

As always, a big thanks for your continued patience while we carry out these essential works.

24 May 2024

On Tuesday, the road closed to through traffic in the middle section of Howard Road between the Nikau Road intersections. Works started at the Upper Nikau/Howard Rd intersection (see image right).

By Friday the crew trenched down to 60 Howard Road, encountering some hard rock along the way which slowed things down a bit.

The road closure is in place 24/7 with active traffic management during work hours 8am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday. Residents have managed access to Howard Road from the lower junction with Nikau Road.

There is no access to or from Howard Road at the top junction with Nikau Road until the watermain replacement in this section is completed and the trench backfilled.  This closure affects pedestrian, cyclist and vehicular access.

The crew will continue trenching and pipelaying aiming to have laid 33 metres of new water pipe and backfilled the trench (down to number 60) by Wednesday.

The fenced worksite area will then move down the road as the crew commence trenching and pipelaying on the next section.  The road closure will remain in place, with one lane opening at the upper junction with Nikau Road to provide managed access for residents only. 

Where the works pass access points/driveways/garages, CCL crew will door knock the affected house and leave a note in the letterbox outlining the disruption. He crew will endeavour to trench, lay the pipe and backfill the same day so as to open up access at night. This may not always be possible, but CCL will try to keep the inconvenience to a minimum.

Stage 2

Works will be temporarily on hold for one to three weeks. This is due to limited workers in the region and an urgent project.  Action Civil’s crew will be called away to complete this work. The Stage 2 road area will remain open during this time and the trench is backfilled and asphalted.

Where possible, Action Civil may be able to mobilise crew back to Howard Road during this time. If this occurs residents will be notified.

Thank you

As always, a big thanks for your continued patience while we carry out these essential works.

May 2024 - Stage 4 works

17 May 2024

Works commence on Stage 4.1 (upper Nikau/Howard Road intersection to 54 Howard Rd) on Monday 20 May.

Please note, the road will remain open all day as the crew will be mobilising on site and carrying out site induction and health and safety briefings.

From Tuesday, the road will be closed 8am to 4.30pm daily, with works commencing at the upper Nikau/Howard Road intersection with trenching and pipe laying.

We have updated the work programme as below, providing estimated timeframes for each stage, based on actual work effort required.

As noted in last week’s update rubbish collection will continue as normal facilitated by CCL. See ‘reminder’ section below for more information.

Stage 2

Location: 67 Howard Rd to 90 Howard Rd

Timeframe: Monday 6 May – estimated to take 12 weeks to complete.

Road closure: 8.30am to 4:30pm  

Stage 3

Location: Reserve next to 90 Howard Rd.

Timeframe: This phase requires consents from Greater Wellington Regional Council to allow the works to progress. A draft application has now been submitted to the Council.

Stage 4

From Monday, 20 May – estimated completion before Christmas, with possible extension into the New Year depending on conditions.

Area of work:  Howard Road below the upper intersection with Nikau Road. This work will be phased:

  • Stage 4.1 – Upper Nikau/Howard Road intersection to 54 Howard Rd – estimated timeframe 22 days’ work effort*
  • Stage 4.2 – 54 to 24 Howard Rd – estimated timeframe 27 days’ work effort*
  • Stage 4.3 – 24 Howard Road to Lower Nikau/Howard Road intersection – estimated timeframe 15 days’ work effort*
  • Stage 4.4 – Lower Nikau/Howard Road intersection to Howard/Westhill Intersection - (Church Lane included) The work on this section will impact all residents in Point Howard. One lane of the road will be closed with stop-go traffic management in place during work hours outlined below. Please plan for 3-5 min delays. Estimated timeframe 85 days’ work effort.

Sections of the road will be closed 24/7 but with active traffic management in place during work hours of 8am to 4:30pm daily. Residents will have managed access throughout.

Thank you

As always, a big thanks for your continued patience while we carry out these essential works.

13 May 2024

This week the crew will be pipelaying and linking to house lateral connections.

Please note, Howard Road will be closed just above the intersection with Ngaumatau Road from 08:30am - 4:30pm on weekdays to vehicles. Pedestrian access is maintained at all times.

Project overview

Stage 1

59 Howard Rd to 2 Ngaumatu Road -Completed

Stage 2

Location: 67 Howard Rd to 90 Howard Rd -Underway 

Road closures: 8.30am to 4:30pm  

 Stage 3

Local Reserve area adjacent to 90 Howard Rd.

An application is being developed for this phase requiring consents from Greater Wellington Regional Council to allow the works to progress.

Stage 4

Howard Road below the upper intersection with Nikau Road - Due to start May 20


3 May 2024

Works starts on Stage 2 (67 Howard to 90 Howard Rd) on Monday 6 May.

Howard Road will be closed to through traffic just above the intersection with Ngaumatau Road from 08:30am - 4:30pm on weekdays to vehicles.  Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.

The work will be grouped into substages, with a target of laying one section of pipe (6 metres) per day, allowing the road to be opened to residents as the crew completes each stage and moves to the next.

Factoring in potential delays such as weather, hardness of the rock and other events outside the team's control, Stage 2 is expected to take around 12 weeks to complete.

As always, a big thanks for your continued patience while we carry out these essential works.

Work programme overview

Stage 3

Location: Reserve area adjacent to 90 Howard Rd.

Timeframe: An application is being developed for this phase requiring consents from Greater Wellington Regional Council to allow the works to progress.

Stage 4

Timeframe: Monday, May 20 – estimated completion before Christmas, with possible extension into the New Year depending on conditions.

Area of work:  Howard Road below the upper intersection with Nikau Road. This work will be phased.



26 April 2024

Next week

Howard Road will be open on Monday. Crews will be on site cleaning up, moving equipment and laying temporary chip seal to the road.

On  Tuesday and Thursday, weather dependent, Howard  Road will be closed from 8:30am to 4:30am to allow for milling and asphalting of the trench line. This timing allows for Point Howard Playcentre’s operations on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Please note, this work requires dry weather. If it is raining, the work will need to be postponed until conditions are suitable on a Tuesday and Thursday. Once resealing of the trench line is completed, Stage 1 will be fully completed allowing residents below 67 Howard Road to return to normal.


Stage 2

Location: 67 Howard Rd to 90 Howard Rd

Timeframe: the commencement of Stage 2 to be confirmed soon.


22 April 2024

The shutdown is scheduled for Tuesday 23 April from 10am to 3pm. We have notified residents with a letter drop on Friday 19 April.

By Wednesday, all watermain works will be completed.

On Friday 26 April, Action Civil will return to remove the temporary watermain and most of their equipment from site. The road will reopen once this has been completed.

A crew will return shortly to reseal the trench line. We are still confirming a time for this work and will notify residents in advance. This resealing will require two-three days’ work during which time the road will need to be closed again.

Thank you again for your patience.  Wellington Water and Hutt City Council understand people’s frustration at the changing timeframes and delays in finishing Stage 1 works. A review of the work programme is being carried out as a base to provide more accurate timeframes for Stage 2 works.

Meanwhile, we are committed to completing Stage 1 works.

Stage 2

Commencement of Stage 2 is under review with a decision soon.

15 March 2024

Next week - March 18

The crew will continue working their way up Howard Road and hope to connect into the new watermain that was installed earlier at Ngaumatau Rd. They will then reinstate Ngaumatau Rd.

No shutdowns during the week are planned at this stage. However, we will notify residents if this changes.

As always, we welcome all feedback and questions. Wellington Water is committed to working with residents to balance your needs with the requirement to progress works safely and efficiently.

Installation of new pipeline on Howard Road

8 March 2024

We remain on track to completing this section at the end of this month. Impacts on residents will be significantly reduced once this section is done.

We also successfully completed a water shutdown on Wednesday which had been rescheduled from Monday due to the wet conditions. The reason we can’t do shutdowns in wet weather is because of the welding process that melts and fuses the polyethylene (PE) pipes together.

The materials need to be completely dry and stay dry during the welding. Tarpaulins can be used to mitigate this but attempting it during a shutdown is too risky as we might not be able to turn the water back on should something go wrong.

Next week

The team will be continuing down the middle of Howard Road with trenching and pipelaying. No shutdowns during the week are planned at this stage. However, we will notify residents if this changes.

We welcome all feedback and questions. Wellington Water is committed to working with residents to balance your needs with the requirement to progress works safely and efficiently.

1 March 2024

It’s been another week of steady progress on Stage 1 with trenching and pipelaying work down the middle of Howard Road. We remain on track to finishing this section, which is the most difficult, near the end of March.  

Householders will receive a letter on Friday, 1 March to confirm the water shutdown with more details. We appreciate everyone’s understanding about these procedures, which are essential to connect the new temporary water main.

Meanwhile, we welcome all feedback and questions. Wellington Water is committed to working with residents to balance your needs with the requirement to progress works safely and efficiently.

The crew is also continuing to do their best to accommodate residents’ access needs.

23 February 2024

A big thank you to the residents for providing freshly baked treats for the team. The food and friendliness are very much appreciated.

The water shutdown next Thursday is necessary so we can connect the new temporary water main.

The crew are making good progress  with stage 1 of the works 59 Howard Rd to 2 Ngaumatu Road.

We expect to finish end of March. Once completed, residents will have normal access, excluding 67 Howard Road and further up.

We appreciate the community's co-operation with the team to ensure safe pedestrian access through the work site. Please keep up the good health and safety practices, making sure you have made eye contact with one of the team and that you have been given the go ahead to walk through before proceeding.


16 February 2024

We have received an inquiry regarding whether residents could be informed on days when Howard Road is going to be partially open. Unfortunately, we can’t do this because the situation can change rapidly in terms of having to move diggers and other heavy equipment and the focus is on ensuring safety at all times. We will continue to provide updates by text message regarding any changes.  

We really appreciate the way residents are co-operating with the team to ensure safe access through the work site. Residents have been very good about waiting outside the work area until one of the team has informed the digger operator to stand down and given the resident(s) the go ahead to walk through. There’s always a risk of people relaxing more as time progresses though, so please everyone, keep up these good health and safety practices and make sure you have made eye contact with one of the team and that you have been given the go ahead to walk through before proceeding.

Thank you everyone, for your patience while we carry out this work. Wellington Water is committed to working with residents to balance your needs with the requirement to progress works safely and efficiently.



12 February 2024

We may need to action a water shutdown, potentially on Thursday, in order to connect a new temporary water pipe.

A notice will be provided to  confirmed this. so please keep checking your mailboxes.

Otherwise, work will be on the same lines as the past week. The trenching work requires the crew to locate individual property connections, so you may have one of the team calling at your home to ask to locate services on your property. This will not be disruptive.

We really appreciate the way residents are co-operating with the team to ensure safe access through the work site. Residents have been very good about waiting outside the work area until one of the team has informed the digger operator to stand down and given the resident(s) the go ahead to walk through. There’s always a risk of people relaxing more as time progresses though, so please everyone, keep up these good health and safety practices and make sure you have made eye contact with one of the team and that you have been given the go ahead to walk through before proceeding.

Thank you everyone, for your patience while we carry out this work. Wellington Water is committed to working with residents to balance your needs with the requirement to progress works safely and efficiently.

The crew has been doing their best to accommodate residents’ access needs and continuing to work with Point Howard Association to communicate any changes to road closures as they occur through the Association’s text messaging service.

For any queries or questions, please email -

1 February 2024

Work will be continuing on Howard Road from Wednesday. The trenching work requires the crew to locate individual property connections, so just a reminder that you may have one of the team calling at your home to ask to locate services on your property. This will not be disruptive.

Again, we appreciate everyone’s patience while we carry out this work. Wellington Water is committed to working with residents to balance your needs with the requirement to progress works safely and efficiently.

The crew has been doing their best to accommodate residents’ access needs and continuing to work with Point Howard Association to communicate any changes to road closures as they occur through the Association’s text messaging service.

Stage 1

Location: 59 Howard Rd to 2 Ngaumatu Road

Underway, expected to finish end of March.

Once finished with this section most residents will have normal access, excluding 67 Howard Road and up.


Stage 2

Location: 67 Howard Rd to 90 Howard Rd

Timeframe: To commence immediately after completion of stage 1.

Most residents will have normal access, excluding 67 Howard Road and up.


Stage 3

Location: Reserve area adjacent to 90 Howard Rd.

Timeframe: Still in planning phase requiring consents from the Regional Council to allow the works to progress


Stage 4

Start date to be confirmed. Area of work:  Howard Road below the upper intersection with Nikau Road. 53 Howard Rd to 2A Nikau Rd. This work will be phased:

Phase A - middle section (18 - 74 Howard Rd)

Phase B - lower section (1 - 16 Howard). The work on this section will impact all residents in Point Howard.

Again, where the works require the road to be closed, we will continue providing the shuttle and parking arrangements.

29 January 2024

The crew has also installed a temporary watermain above ground in the area of Howard Road around the junction with 2 Ngaumatau Road. This is needed because the road is so narrow in this area that the new watermain will need to sit right next to the old watermain. Excavating next to the old main is risky so the temporary water main will ensure supply while excavation is underway.

From Monday, January 29

Stage 1 trenching work to install the new watermain is underway. The work will start from the Ngaumatau Road junction with Howard Road and progress up to 59 Howard Road.  This is expected to take around two months to complete.

Due to the nature of Howard Road, locating all individual property connections is proving challenging. The crew will be continuing to do this. So, you may see one of the team come and knock on your door and ask to locate services on your property. This will not be disruptive.

Thank you, we appreciate everyone’s patience while we carry out this work. Wellington Water is committed to working with residents to balance your needs with the requirement to progress works safely and efficiently.

During works

  • Your postie is trying to deliver mail outside of the road closure times but, if this can’t be done, mail will be held at the Eastbourne Four Square.
  • Send a ‘fob request’ form to if you want to use the parking area by the boat ramp in Seaview Marina.
  • The shuttle is operating during pedestrian access times (7.30-9am, 12-12.30pm and 3-4.30pm) and will run from the marina carpark at the bottom of the hill up to the road closure on Howard Road.

With the road closed on Mondays, residents can leave any kerbside collections at the wide area on Howard Road located uphill of the intersection of Howard Road and Nikau Road (the upper intersection at 35 Nikau / 59 Howard Rd) as shown

Point Howard works - collection points - Jan/Feb 2024