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Water conservation

Every drop of wai is precious. 

How much Wellington Water collects from our rivers and aquifer is carefully monitored. The maximum amount we can take is limited by resource consents, but we also have an important responsibility to leave enough water for our environment to thrive.  

Fact: More rain doesn't always equal more drinking water! Excess rain can fill rivers with dirt, sticks and debris, making it harder to treat and make safe to drink. Plus, there is a limit to the amount of water we can treat and store.

In summer the amount of water available in rivers slows down, while what we all use increases.

Reducing water loss and waste is a top priority of Wellington Water, and we have dedicated teams out there finding and fixing as many leaks as possible with the resources available to us. See more on our leaks mahi here. 

'Smart' water meters are one of the most effective ways to detect leaks and help us all better understand and manage our water.  See more on smart meters here.

Working with our communities to treasure and protect our precious taonga of water is key. There are simple steps everyone can take to reduce their water use and waste.  

Learn more by watching the video below, or get started saving wai at your place with three key steps:

Note how drinking water is collected, treated and stored in the South Wairarapa differs from this video, see our water supply page for more information. 


3 things you can do to save water

Fixing Leaks

Current estimates show that around 45% of drinking water is being lost through leaks.

We're working on finding and fixing leaks on the public network - here's what you can do at your place.

Follow Water Restrictions

Water restrictions help us all understand how we can manage our water use, to ensure there's enough for the necessities.

Check out what water restriction level your council is at and what you need to do

Water Saving Tips

Water is a precious resource, so its important that we're careful with every drop - especially in the warm and dry summer months. Reducing water use helps ease pressure on the water network, and looks after our environment.

It's easy to start saving water around the house. Check out our water saving tips and water calculator to be smarter with your water.