Projects / Gear Island and Waterloo Wells Replacement - Stage 2 Investigations

Gear Island and Waterloo Wells Replacement

Current status

On behalf of Greater Wellington Regional Council we are working to improve the resilience of the Waterloo water supply well fields in the Hutt Valley, a critical source of safe drinking water for the region.

Start Date
End Date

If you have any questions about this work, please contact:

Wellington Water, 04 912 4400

The contractor E Carson & Sons is undertaking site investigations starting at Hautana Square in Waterloo, Lower Hutt, to assess the suitability of this area for a new well(s). This involves investigating ground conditions (drilling and testing) and inspecting water pipe alignments along Hautana Street and Penrose Street.

Site investigations are anticipated from mid-January to the end of March 2025.

Traffic management will be in place between 7 am and 5.30 pm with temporary speed limited implemented on some roads. Affected residents will be informed before investigations begin.

Work will be undertaken in phases so that the whole street(s) will not be impacted at the same time. Safe access to Hutt Immediate School and Sacred Heart College as well as pedestrian access to residents’ properties will be maintained.

On-street parking near the worksite area will be restricted. No parking will be available within the coned area so we can carry out this work safely. Resident parking may be removed but we will discuss this with residents prior to making any changes.

We’ll do our best to keep the disruption to a minimum.

The Waiwhetū aquifer, located beneath Wellington’s harbour and Lower Hutt, provides 40% of the average annual water supply to the Wellington region, and up to as much as 80% during the peak summer period.

This aquifer provides drinking water through various wells, including the Waterloo water well, making it a crucial water infrastructure.

These wells are ageing and vulnerable to natural events. We’re currently investigating possible locations for additional water well(s) in Waterloo, Lower Hutt. The Waterloo wellfields are a critical source of safe drinking water for the Wellington Region.

What are we doing?

The purpose of this project is to develop and implement a staged replacement of the Waterloo water supply wells to improve the resilience of this crucial water supply asset and the Waiwhetū aquifer.

We’re currently investigating possible locations for additional water well(s) to improve the resilience of the network and allow for gradual replacement of the existing wells.

Works involve investigating ground conditions (potholing, drilling, and testing) and inspecting potential water pipe alignments along Hautana and Penrose streets.

The investigations will provide valuable insight to help determine the suitability of the proposed location(s) of the new well(s).

Construction of the new wells will help plan for peak summer water availability, improve network resilience, and create redundancy in the currently constrained system.

Possible locations for new water well(s) in Waterloo, Lower Hutt.