Projects / Central Tawa Catchment Stormwater Upgrades

Central Tawa Catchment Stormwater Upgrades

Current status

On behalf of Wellington City Council, we are working to upgrade the stormwater network in three parts of central Tawa to reduce flooding in the area.


If you have any questions about this work, please contact:

Wellington Water, 04 912 4400

This project is currently in hold.

Why are we doing this?

There has been recent widespread flooding the CBD, Lincoln Ave, Collins Ave, and Beauchamp Street.

These large-scale events are mainly caused by under-sized and/or blocked pipes unable to cope with the large stormwater flows from the steep catchment above central Tawa.

This project will upgrade and increase the capacity and performance of the network to reduce the frequency and impact of flooding on the community.

It is part of a wider programme of stormwater works in Tawa to increase the capacity and improve the resilience and performance of the local stormwater network, reducing the impacts of flooding on the community.


What are we doing?

The project will involve works in three separate areas as follows:

  • Collins Avenue Installing a new pipe between Coates Street and Porirua Stream and upgrading the stream channel inlet at Collins Avenue/Coates Street intersection. Duplicating outlet from channel next to railway tracks to new pipe construction under the railway line.
  • Lincoln Avenue Installing a duplicate pipe between Lincoln Avenue and Porirua Stream and upgrading the existing stream channel at lower Lincoln Avenue. Localised flood wall protection in two areas.
  • Lyndhurst Park Installing a flow device on culvert entrance, construct structural brick wall and bund around clubrooms and field. Use lower field to increase storage and upgrade underdrains. Improve stability of the Lyndhurst Creek bed and bank areas. Upgrade grate at the inlet above the Tawa Commercial Area on the Lyndhurst stream. 


The project is in the early design stages.