Projects / Arlington Street stormwater upgrades

Arlington Street stormwater upgrades

Current status

On behalf of Wellington City Council, we are replacing the stormwater main on Arlington Street to rehabilitate third party damage.

Start Date
End Date

If you have any questions about this work, please contact:

Wellington Water, 04 912 4400

Works will commence 18 September and we expect to have it completed around 10 November.  Hours of work generally between 7am-5pm Monday to Friday.

Figure 1 Replacement of stormwater main (green line) in highlighted area

We will be carrying out the upgrade in three stages. Traffic management through these stages will vary between single lane traffic, controlled by temporary traffic lights and full road closure over short sections.

We apologise for this inconvenience and will try to keep access open to properties where it is possible to do so. However, there will be stages where there will be some restriction.

There will also be some on-street parking restrictions at stages along Arlington Street and into Torrens Terrace. We will work to keep these to a minimum. We ask you to please not park your vehicle within the coned areas. This will help us get our work done safely and as quickly as possible