Next stage in Wellington Water improvement plan confirms massive gaps in company, but better value for money for councils and ratepayers is on the way

Learn more about the value for money review and ongoing improvements, and view summary reports of the investigation's findings.


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About us / Who we are / Privacy statement

Privacy statement

In accordance with the information privacy principles set out in Part 3 of the Privacy Act 2020, we may collect and store the following information about you:

  • Your legal name
  • Your postal and property addresses
  • Your landline and/or mobile phone numbers
  • Your email address
  • Limited details of any medical problems that mean you depend on a water supply
  • Land use or business activity if you are consented by a local authority as an individual.

Collecting your information

We may collect personal information about you when you, or someone authorised by you to act on your behalf, provides information to us directly. For example, when you:

  • apply for employment with us
  • correspond with us directly, whether in person, by letter, phone, text, email, instant messages or other means of electronic communication
  • complete and submit forms we provide for applications for consents, licences, approvals, permits or other authorisations, or for the use of any of our services or facilities, including signing up for and using our online services and applications
  • prepare and submit a written submission, request or other feedback in relation to applications for consents, licences, approvals, permits, or other authorisations, or in relation to any form of draft or proposed plan, policy, bylaw or other document
  • use any of our services or facilities
  • subscribe to any of our newsletters or update service
  • follow or post comments in response to our social media or other facilities such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Using your information

We may use the information we hold about you:

  • to provide you with services or facilities that you have requested
  • to respond to correspondence or to provide you with information that you have requested
  • to provide you information about our services or facilities that may be of interest to you
  • to comply with relevant laws and regulations
  • for any specific purpose which we notify you of at the time your personal information is collected
  • for assessment, statistical analysis or research and development purposes so that we can review, develop and improve the services we offer
  • to provide ‘aggregated’ statistical information to regulators and reputable third parties (this information will not allow anyone to be personally identified).

Sharing your information

We may disclose personal information about you to:

  • any person engaged by Wellington Water to provide products or services to you on our behalf, where your personal information is necessary for the provision of those products or services
  • a third party if we are required to do so under any laws or regulations, or in the course of legal proceedings or other investigations
  • any person you authorise us to disclose your personal information to.

Security and accuracy

We take reasonable steps to ensure personal information is:

  • protected against loss, damage, misuse and unauthorised access. We restrict access to personal information to those individuals who need access to this information in order to assist us in performing our duties and obligations
  • accurate, up to date, complete and relevant.

How long do we hold personal information

We may retain all personal information that we collect (on both our active systems and our archive systems), for as long as administratively necessary, in accordance with Wellington Water’s Information Retention and Disposal schedule.

The Public Records Act 2005 requires us to retain “protected records” indefinitely. In some circumstances, your personal information may be included within a protected record.

Accessing and correcting your information

You have the right to access your information under the Privacy Act 2020 if you are an individual, or under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 if you are a company or other corporate entity. You can also ask us to amend any information held about you that is incorrect.

Contact the Privacy Officer

Please contact the Privacy Officer within Wellington Water’s Digital Products and Services team (via if you have any questions, corrections or concerns about the personal information held by Wellington Water about you.