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Published 21/01/2022

Water restrictions move to level 2

Following the recent warm and dry weather, a significant increase in water use, and dropping river levels, a ban on the use of sprinklers and irrigation systems is being put in place for metropolitan Wellington and South Wairarapa.

On the advice of Wellington Water, our six client councils (Hutt, Porirua, Upper Hutt and Wellington City Councils, South Wairarapa District Council and Greater Wellington Regional Council), have made the decision to move to Water Restriction Level 2 from midnight tonight (Friday 21 January).

Water Restriction Level 2 means there is a ban on sprinklers and irrigation systems, but handheld watering devices can be used at any time, on any day, so long as they’re not left unattended.

Wellington Water’s Chief Advisor Drinking Water Laurence Edwards said there has been a rapid increase in water use.

“The very high level of demand means we could have supply issues if left unchecked,” he said.

“Our water treatment plants are working at capacity to treat and deliver this amount of water, and anything above the current demand will put a strain on our ability to provide safe drinking water.”

“It’s important to reduce demand now so we can continue to provide enough safe and healthy drinking water for the summer period.”

“In addition to this, the weather forecast over the next few weeks is for more hot and dry weather.”

Chair of the Wellington Water Committee Lower Hutt Mayor Campbell Barry said it’s important that we all play our part in conserving water.

“We all need do our bit and follow the Level 2 restriction guidelines so there is enough for water everyone throughout summer,” he said.

“We hope everyone has an enjoyable long weekend, but Wellington Anniversary Weekend has historically been a period of high-water use, so it’s important we remember to not use sprinklers and irrigation systems.”

Here’s a few more tips and tricks to help you do your bit:

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