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Published 24/09/2021

Water Committee discusses progress under COVID alert levels

The Wellington Water Committee meeting (Friday 24 September) was livestreamed for the first time under Alert Level 2 today. 

The committee discussed the progress of capital projects under COVID Alert Levels, while water consumption is also front of mind as we head into the summer months. 

All capital projects were paused throughout Alert Level 4, except for work to replace a section of fragile pipe in Paremata, which continued as Wellington Water’s only live capital project.

The wastewater pipeline caused significant disruption after failing twice during heavy rainfall in July.

Work to replace the first section of pipe is part of a 100-year life solution that will also allow for significant population growth in the area.

Committee Chair Lower Hutt Mayor Campbell Barry commended the essential work carried out by Wellington Water and the quick return to projects under Alert Levels 3 and 2.

“The work carried out by Welling Water crews throughout the uncertainty of Alert Levels was critical for our communities stuck at home during lockdown,” said Mayor Barry. 

“Despite the uncertainty around government reforms, we remain completely focused on long-term solutions and the capability of our water infrastructure meeting the growing population in our region.” 

Mayor Barry also reiterated the importance of water consumption as we head towards the summer months. 

“We all have a role to play to protect water as a precious resource. As a region, we need to work together to reduce our water consumption and only use what we need in order to lessen water restrictions,” he said. 

“Little things can have a big impact, the difference between taking 5-minute and 10-minute showers, can save around 16,425L over a year. Reducing water used in the shower will reduce your hot water bill, too.


The Water Committee, discussed and reviewed:

  • A verbal update on the water reform
  • Wellington Water’s approach to regulations
  • Update on capital works
  • Wellington Water’s water services investment



  • Wellington Water is owned by Hutt, Porirua, Upper Hutt and Wellington city councils, South Wairarapa District Council and Greater Wellington Regional Council.
  • A representative from each authority sits on the Wellington Water Committee that provides overall leadership and direction for the company.

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