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Published 24/01/2020

Trucking operations continue to prevent discharge into Cook Strait

29 January 2020

We are continuing with our investigations into the tunnel and sludge pipelines. As part of these investigations, we are testing air valves along the pipelines in the tunnel.

As air valves are located along the pipeline, these investigations may result in noticeable odour areas surrounding the tunnel that runs under Mt Albert. We apologise for any odour issues that arise as part of this work.

28 January 2020

We have begun CCTV through the Mt Albert tunnel, which is an essential part to our investigations, helping us to understand the extent of the fault and look into solutions for the long term repair.

Trucks continue their operations 24/7, transporting sludge from the treatment plant to the landfill. The drivers have been greeted with a positive response from the community, with the sign pictured appearing on the route to the landfill.

We will be sharing weekly updates on the Moa Point situation as works continue. However, we will provide further updates should anything change.


27 January 2020

Trucks continue to work around the clock, transporting sludge from Moa Point to the landfill. We have managed to reduce the number of trucks and still continue to keep up with demand, meaning we are avoiding discharge into the Cook Strait.

We understand truck movements may be inconvenient to residents along the route, and we thank them for their understanding. We are briefing truck drivers to ensure they are keeping themselves and the public safe by reducing their speed.

The picture below shows an example of the sludge/slurry that is taken to the landfill for dewatering. This process removes the water, which then is piped back to the treatment plant through the wastewater network. The leftover solids are then put in the landfill.


24 January 2020

The trucking operations that have been operating this week, continue to prevent sludge from being discharged into the Cook Strait. The alternative operation means trucks on 24 hour rotation collect the wastewater treatment byproduct at the Moa Point Treatment Plant, taking it to the landfill at Carey’s Gully.

The operation was today refined by reducing the amount of trucks on the road and splitting them into two shifts of 6-7 trucks each.  These trucks are continuing to keep up with demand, and are operating efficiently.

The fault in the pipeline was located yesterday, and we are continuing to plan a repair with a temporary bypass, as well as a long term fix.  The location appears to be about 200m inside the tunnel under Mt Albert.

We are working with the local community at Moa Point, and are holding a community meeting on Sunday to update them on the project and address any concerns residents may have.

We will provide further update on Monday 27 January.

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