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Published 27/03/2020

Prioritisation of work and keeping our people safe to do it

During the heightened national response to Covid-19, our top priority is providing clean drinking water and safe wastewater treatment to our community.
We are concentrating our resources on these essential services and on keeping our frontline teams, who maintain them, safe and healthy. We are redeploying staff to bolster our frontline numbers to give us additional resilience, and are securing our supply chains for all the critical equipment, chemicals and other materials that keep our water services running.
We are also prioritising our work programme to focus on the most critical projects. As and when network faults occur, our customer response teams will prioritise those which directly affect customers' drinking water supply or wastewater services. All other work will be scheduled when possible.

So you will see our crews out and about, but with social distancing in mind, please don't approach them.
Most importantly, we want you to know that your water is safe to drink, and for maintaining good hygiene practices.

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