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Published 28/08/2019

Omāroro reservoir – water shutoff test this Thursday 29 August

Work is under way to connect what will be Wellington’s biggest reservoir, to be built in Prince of Wales Park in Mt Cook, to the city’s water supply network.

Holding 35 million litres, Omāroro Reservoir will double the amount of stored water currently available in the central Wellington supply zone. It is being built to support the city’s daily needs, and in case something goes wrong with the main supply network – such as in an earthquake.

Putting in the connections for the new reservoir to the existing water mains will be a complicated job, said Gary O’Meara, Wellington Water’s Network Controller. This work is timed for late October, and is expected to take up to 13 hours.

“Our challenge is that we need empty pipes to install the connection. That means shutting off the city’s normal water supply route for a time.”

To compensate, Wellington Water intends to divert water through alternative routes into and through the city.

“We’re planning to test some of those changes to the way water flows in the network this Thursday (29 August), to see what the impact is on storage volumes.”

Mr O’Meara said it was highly unlikely that anyone would notice and difference. “Any time there are changes to the supply network, there can be an impact, such as a difference in pressure or clarity. We’re not expecting it, but it is part of the reason for the test.

“We want people to continue to use water as they normally do, but if they do notice a change in their water, to please call the Wellington City Council Contact Centre and let them know. This information will be helpful in refining the plan.”


  • Omāroro reservoir will double storage of safe drinking water in the Wellington CBD area.
  • The test to supply water to central Wellington along a different route to normal should see no impact on water quality or supply.
  • Continue to use water as normal, to help provide typical usage data.
  • If you notice a significant change in pressure or clarity please notify the WCC contact centre on 499 4444

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