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Published 1/03/2022

New Kaitoke pipe bridge will be ‘an amazing sight to see’

Yesterday’s ground-breaking ceremony marked the start of a project that will increase the resilience of our water supply and provide a platform to appreciate some of our region’s most stunning scenery. 

The new Kaitoke Regional Park Arch bridge will replace the current pipe bridge, safeguarding the supply of drinking water for our region. 

The pipe bridge carries water from the Kaitoke intake, located around 1km upstream, where the Hutt River is at a higher elevation.

Greater Wellington councillor Ros Connelly said she was pleased to see work get underway on an important project for the security of the water network.

“This impressive bridge will support a vital pipeline that supplies almost 50 percent of the Wellington region’s raw water,” she said.

“The current pipe bridge is ageing and in need of replacement. I’m delighted the new bridge will not only secure our water supply but be a place where we can come to admire a magnificent landscape.”

Upper Hutt Mayor Wayne Guppy echoed councillor Connelly on the importance of the project to our water supply and the local area. 

“Kaitoke Regional Park is a popular location for tramping and there are lots of beautiful tracks to walk along,” he said. 

“This new pipe bridge will not only be an amazing sight to see but is an important piece of infrastructure that provides raw drinking water to a large portion of Wellington.”  

Wellington Water Group Manager Network Development and Delivery Tonia Haskell says it is great to see all the planning and hard work come together to start constructing the new pipe bridge.

“Construction works begin 7 March and will be completed December 2024.

“To ensure the safety of all park users, there will be no access to parts of the Swingbridge loop track while construction works are underway.”

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