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Published 21/07/2021

Media release: Porirua Harbour pipeline fault

Attribute to Steve Hutchison Chief Advisor Wastewater, Wellington Water

Update Thursday 22 July, 3.45pm 

The walkway in the northwest area of Onepoto, opposite Papakowhai, will be closed for the rest of the day.

Our crews are continuing to work in the area and daily water quality testing is ongoing.

We encourage members of the public to avoid swimming and gathering shellfish in the area.

Update Wednesday 21 July, 12pm 

Operations were stable throughout the night following last weekend’s heavy rainfall.

The Porirua Harbour pipeline remains offline after the discovery of a fault yesterday.

Our crews are continuing to carry out tests on the pipeline today and the walkway remains closed.

Daily water quality testing is continuing, and we encourage members of the public to avoid swimming in the area until further notice.

The latest advice on recreational water quality can be found at

Members of the public are also advised not gather shellfish from the area.

Update Tuesday 20 July, 4.45pm 

Last weekend’s severe weather event caused widespread overflows throughout the region.

On Saturday morning, our crews responded to a burst wastewater main between the Aotea turnoff and Paremata.

During the repair of the pipeline on Sunday evening there was some additional overflow.

Our investigations also show the pipe remains in a fragile condition, despite the repair.

To alleviate pressure on the pipe we used an existing, unused, pipeline across the Porirua Harbour.

Unfortunately, the pipeline was found to have a fault this afternoon and some wastewater spilled in the northwest area of Onepoto, opposite Papakowhai, affecting the walkway and immediate area.

The pipeline was taken offline when the overflow was discovered, and the walkway has been temporarily closed.

Daily water quality testing is continuing, and we encourage members of the public to avoid swimming in the area until further notice.

The latest advice on recreational water quality can be found at

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