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Published 24/01/2020

Mayor thanks contractors for civic effort

Wellington’s mayor Andy Foster today personally thanked representatives of the companies that worked round the clock to limit the flow of wastewater into Wellington Harbour in the lead up to Christmas.

When an 80-year old wastewater tunnel collapsed in mid-December, pumping stations in the CBD had to be switched off. Wastewater soon began to overflow into the sea and mana whenua placed a rahui over part of the inner harbour. The intense collaborative effort of Wellington Water’s whānau of suppliers helped to install a temporary above ground bypass pipe within four days.

Mayor Foster presented eight certificates of recognition to representatives of Construction Contracts Ltd, E. Carson & Sons, E.N Ramsbottom, Fulton Hogan, G.P Friel, Hydrotech, GHD and Stantec.

He also noted the efforts of Silver Linings Contractors, Eurofins testing laboratory, NZTA and Capital Journeys, the Wellington City Council roading team, and Metlink in going above and beyond to protect the harbour.

“Te Whanganui a Tara is an essential part of the identity of Wellington City,” Mayor Foster said. “As well as the effort you and all your teams put in, you could see how much the harbour means to the people of Wellington in the response to the rahui. I also acknowledge mana whenua, Taranaki Whanui for carrying out that important work.”

The interim solution involved running a pipe above ground, which emerges from Dixon Street, runs along Willis St for a block, before diving back down underground.

Wellington Water today committed to have the pipe off Willis St no later than 31 March 2020.

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