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Published 27/07/2022

Fluoride service to resume at Wainuiomata treatment plant

The fluoride service at the Wainuiomata Water Treatment Plant will restart this evening says Wellington Water.

Fluoride service to the plant was temporarily turned off to allow un-fluoridated water to be supplied to Petone and Korokoro while urgent repairs to the bulk watermain on Waione Road Petone are made.

The failed watermain normally supplies un-fluoridated water to Petone and Korokoro from the Waterloo Water Treatment Plant.

During the period that the watermain is out of service, water to the Rahui Reservoir is being supplied from the bulk supply pipeline which runs from Wainuiomata to Wellington City.

Today, it has become apparent that the remedial work is more complex than anticipated and as a result, it will be at least a week before the repairs can be completed.

Following consultation with the Ministry of Health, Wellington Water and Hutt City Council have decided due to the extended period of the outage, it is in the best interests of public health to resume fluoride service to the wider community.

Petone and Korokoro residents will from this evening have low levels of fluoridated water and this will continue until the repair work at Waione Street is finished.

Hutt City Council are advising residents they have access to non-fluoridated water at artesian fountains across Lower Hutt.

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