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Published 9/06/2016

Panel approach picked to bring regional benefits

Regional water services company Wellington Water announced today it had reached an agreement with three engineering groups to provide consultancy services for water supply, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure development for its council clients.

The three groups include a mix of both multinational and local consultancy firms. They are MWH, teamed with Calibre, Cuttriss and Adamson Shaw; Connect Water, which comprises Opus and CH2M Beca; and GHD, with 3 Waters and Mott McDonald.

Wellington Water is owned by Greater Wellington Regional Council, and Porirua, Hutt, Upper Hutt and Wellington city councils. It was formed to create value by working across the region and identifying opportunities to improve investment outcomes.

“Smarter procurement procedures were identified as a key way to deliver value to the region, and the consultancy panel will do that in a number of ways,” project lead for Wellington Water, Jetesh Bhula, said.

“From working with up to 10 separate consultants, we’re now in a position where we’re working closely with just three. This will save us a lot of time and effort, and at the same time give panel members the certainty of work that will encourage them to deliver on value, rather than cost.

Mr Bhula said benefits to councils and ratepayers would include:

  • a whole-of-life approach to investment, focusing on long term benefits rather than short term costs
  • improving health and safety practices by integrating health and safety management throughout the whole project life-cycle
  • reducing administrative costs through streamlining processes
  • encouraging innovation by working more closely, more openly, with our suppliers
  • ensuring we maintain a healthy, sustainable local supplier market
  • supporting the regional approach that Wellington Water was created to deliver

Colin Crampton, Wellington Water’s Chief Executive, said the approach to developing the consultancy panel has been to collaborate with consultants on the best way forward.

“We want collaboration to be the byword for this approach. For some years the region has struggled to get the best results from its suppliers due to an annual funding cycle. Working more closely with the whole supply chain will help smooth out workflow, which is good for everyone.”

The new panel will take effect from July 1.

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